Successful Writing of CAS Thesis

A successful sales professional in the machine building industry was required to write an academic paper to get his Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Online Marketing at a Swiss University done. When he approached us, he had already presented his project as part of his final course and was then required to write an academic paper of approximately 15,000 words on the very same project to receive his diploma. The crux was: while his sales project was innovative and his presentation had convinced his supervisor, he had never written an academic paper before. He said that it would take him another semester to get it done on his own. So, he asked us whether we were able to coach him through the process and help him get his paper done. Of course!
The client had a PowerPoint document of the presentation he had given a couple of weeks before. The document contained all the graphs he had made to visualize his sales project plus a number of scientific references that built the theoretical frame and provided the required data points on the Swiss machine building industry. The task was to put all this information into an academic paper that met scientific standards, including in-text references and the bibliography at the end. He only had a few weeks left until the paper was due.
We first met with the client to understand what the aim of his project was. We asked him to summarize his project’s core message, and he gave us all the information and documents he had. This conversation gave us the material needed to pull the loose ends together and set the final structure of the paper up. He happily greenlighted it. We then wrote the client’s project up and included the sources he had provided us with, and we ensured the language met scientific standards regarding precision, correctness, format, and style. We also inserted all the graphs he had previously made for his presentation. At the end, we added and formatted the list of references. All this we did in close collaboration with the client whenever we had questions regarding content or argumentation line and ensured the paper was convincing overall. When we were done, the client took a last look at the paper and was excited and relieved to see his project in written form. So, he submitted it to his supervisor. Two weeks later, he received the grade: 5,2 out of 6 – and we celebrated with him!
You'll find more information here: Writing a Successful Thesis
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